- A+ (Superior) Rating with A.M. Best
- An Aegon company; Home Office, Cedar Rapids, IA 52499
- Established in 1961
- Total Assets $126B; Total Liabilities* $119.8B; Total Capital and Surplus* $6.2B (as of December 31, 2015)
- www.transamerica.com
*Excludes asset valuation reserve
The above figures are reported on a statutory basis, as prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The assets of the parent company, holding company, or company combinations are not available to pay the claims of individual policies and contracts issued by the insurance companies.
Company Information
Transamerica helps people achieve a lifetime of financial security, serving millions of customers across the United States with insurance; pension and retirement plans; investments; and asset management services. Yet helping people achieve financial security goes further than that. As we all live longer, the connection between our health and wealth is growing. Transamerica is committed to helping Americans see their spending, earning, and saving in a whole new way that takes into account everything that can affect personal finances. Transamerica is part of Aegon, one of the world's largest providers of life insurance, pension solutions and asset management products. Learn more at transamerica.com.
Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company is authorized to conduct business in New York. Transamerica Life Insurance Company is authorized to conduct business in all other states.
*Independent Ratings
A.M. Best Company, an insurance rating and information agency, has assigned the following financial strength ratings:
Transamerica Life Insurance Company A+ (Superior) 2nd highest of 16 ratings
Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company A+ (Superior) 2nd highest of 16 ratings
Ratings reflect the opinion of the relative financial strength and operating performance of the company as of the following effective dates. A.M. Best Company is a credit rating organization dedicated to serving the insurance and other financial services industries.
Ratings are current as of 12/31/2015. The financial strength ratings are subject to change and are not guarantees of future financial strength. DM 180 0716